Tessa Brock

About me


Tessa lives in the Findhorn Ecovillage in Northeast Scotland which is famous for personal, community and spiritual development and healing. Through her deep desire to heal from her past traumas, she has been through years of personal healing and development practices, courses, and trainings whilst being in the supportive environment of a like minded community. Thus, the learning and practice of healing permeates every aspect of her life and it’s her mission in life to share this healing with others. Today she is an experienced, licensed, and certified Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Hypnotherapist and is also currently studying at the University of the Highlands and Islands for her diploma in Integrated Counselling to further expand and diversify her knowledge and offerings in serving others.


Tessa holds both a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) and a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Sustainable Development with a Major in Renewable Energy. After working in impact investing in Cape Town, South Africa; training social and ecological entrepreneurs to be able to receive and wisely use millions of Rands worth of investment, she sought a more fulfilling and meaningful way to both heal and make change in the world, and in her own life.

Being born in South Africa, at a young age Tessa learned about Apartheid in school and witnessed the effects of racism, discrimination, segregation, and collective and generational trauma around her. South Africa also has one of the highest femicide rates in the world according to the World Bank. With a woman killed intentionally every 4 hours. She also grew up with a difficult and sometimes traumatic childhood, which contributed to having harmful relationships in early adulthood, and experienced physical trauma when she had a horse-riding accident, landing on her hip and tearing 3 ligaments in her lower spine, which has caused her significant pain and difficulty with physical activity.

Change is POSSIBLE

Following an inner calling to move away from the business world, from unhealthy family dynamics and harmful relationships and towards working on her own healing, she left Cape Town and moved to Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland. Here in the supportive and introspective environment, she fully experienced a ‘dark night of the soul.’ Traumas and unhelpful patterns in her life were able to come to the light and be expressed (not a happy or easy process!). This led to many years of IBS, stomach ulcers, depression, anxiety and feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, and a complete loss for what to do, and how to move on, in life.

After a year from arriving in Findhorn, she was offered a job at the Global Ecovillage Network and over the years she developed her role from community entrepreneurship trainer in ecovillage communities and the coordinator of the ambassador programme, to becoming a lead trainer in the LEADER funded Moray Ecovillage Development Project. Here she led a team to train 15 communities, and 100s of people, in Moray in all aspects of ecovillage life (Social, Cultural, Economic, Ecological and Whole Systems) and provided training for 3 communities, over a year, to help them design, build and execute projects that would make meaningful difference in the lives of their community members.

As GEN Ambassador Coordinator, Tessa also facilitated the training, networking, and development of over 260 Ambassadors worldwide, in 53 different countries. She’s travelled to, trained in, and made friends in multiple eco-communities in Europe, Asia and Africa. She’s endeavoured to share (and also receive) her many skills and knowledge with as many people as possible and in loving being a trainer, and a public speaker, Tessa also put all her speaking skills together to develop a video recorded, online, 15 week Public Speaking course.

Learning About Trauma and How to Heal It

Tessa also had the chance to train with the renowned Kosha Joubert (CEO Pocket Project) and Giselle Charbonnier (Psycho-Somatic Therapist and Trauma Therapist) and gained her certificate in Trauma Transformation in Community.

However, as COVID-19 struck, all in-person meetings and community events were put on hold. This had a deep effect on Tessa as she not only realised how much joy it brings her to work with people, but again to seek a more in depth way to help heal people through the isolation, job loss and sickness caused by the pandemic.

During this time, she took workshops in holotropic breathing, TRE (Trauma Release Exercise; with trainer Ole Ry), and the Wheel of Consent (Michael Dresser). She also achieved her Foundation of Embodiment Certificate (Mark Walsh). She also took multiple workshops in becoming more trauma informed. She also gained additional certificates in Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Support, Child Safeguarding, and Diversity Training. She has also just completed her 1 year certificate in Process Oriented Psychology (Ana Rhodes Castro; Founder and Director of Human Conflict Transformation Centre).

Hypnotherapy Helps

Tessa came across RTT Hypnotherapy (Marisa Peer) whilst seeking a way to heal herself. Here she found the results and healing she craved for so many years. Having finally achieved these results, and fully knowing that this method works, she decided to leave her job at GEN and to train as an RTT Hypnotherapist to provide healing for others too. Tessa has since been helping the many clients she has, to heal deeply, become whole, reclaim their power and themselves, and create more fulfilling and abundant lives.

Making Healing a Possibility for All

There is not a day in Tessa’s life when she is not researching and learning better ways to help heal her clients. She is an absolute healing, therapy and trauma nerd! She delights in seeing and working with, the patterns and synchronicities that lead to dysregulation and disease and working with clients to change them to patterns for healing and wholeness instead. And although spirituality is a part of her everyday life, and has been integral to her healing and wholeness, she approaches it in a very grounded way, and through direct experience, not wanting to appear as a New Age ‘love and light’ guru. She can often be found on long walks in the incredible nature surrounding her home in the North East of Scotland or wild camping on the West Coast, as nature and it’s beauty, is one of the best healers and joys we have.

Tessa believes deeply that the most important thing she can do for a client is to empower them, help them let go, and become whole, and help clients create a mindset and life that is full of power, pleasure and purpose.