Work with me, get results!

RTT PAckages


Single RTT Hypnotherapy package


– Free Clarity Call: A chance for us to get to know eachother and to see if we are a good therapist-client fit. (20mins)

– Documents to help you prepare for our session and support through after-care.

– 1st RTT Hypnotherapy Session: Using hypnosis to get to the root cause of your presenting issue, and using RTT, CBT and NLP tools to heal it. Sessions are 2hrs approx.

– Hypnotherapy Recording: Receive a bespoke 15 – 20 minute hypnotherapy recording to use for the next 21 -30 days to deepen your healing.

– Email Support: Available throughout the 21 – 30 days for queries or feedback you may have.

– Post Session Call (after 21 to 30 days of RTT Session): To check in with you about how you are doing and what changes you’ve noticed, extra coaching provided if needed, and do you need a follow-up session? (20 mins)


Triple Rtt hypnotherapy package


Receive all of the items from the Single RTT Hypnotherapy Package but with some additions:

– 3 RTT Hypnotherapy Sessions (instead of 1)

– 3 Hypnotherapy Recordings (instead of 1)

– 3 Post Session Calls (instead of 1)

If booked at the outset, the investment for a package of three sessions is at a saving to purchasing sessions on a single basis.

The right package to purchase can be discussed in the Clarity Call.

Usually it is advisable to take on the Tripple Package when the issue/s being worked on has been long-term, and therefore is deeply seated, and/or multiple connected issues come up and need to be worked on separately.

I'll show you how

therapy with real results

what to expect in your rtt session

It all begins with 4 easy steps!

1-On-1 Therapy



Book your free Clarity Call with Tessa to discuss what you want to work on and which package would be right for you.



Before attending your Clarity Call, make sure to read all the FAQs and About RTT information so that you can make the most of your Clarity Call.



Time to attend your free Clarity Call with Tessa!



After attending your Clarity Call, book and attend your RTT session so that you can start living your most Empowered Life!

are you ready?

Is RTT Right For You?

Make sure you read the FAQ and About RTT pages before you attend your Clarity Call. In the Clarity Call you can ask all your personal questions, by the end of the Clarity Call you should know whether Tessa and RTT are the right fit for you. There is absolutely no obligation to go forward with RTT Sessions if you decide it’s not right for you during the Clarity Call.

your peace of mind

RTT Hypnotherapy is ratified by multiple professional bodies and Tessa is a licensed RTT Practitioner and Certified Hypnotherapist. You can check out the testimonal page to hear about other peoples’ real experiences with Tessa.

What's your wellbeing worth?

Before booking your Clarity Call, ask yourself what your wellbeing is worth. Is it worth your time, energy and financial investement? How long has your issue been going on for? Can you imagine it going on for another 5, 10 or 20 years? How has it impacted your life? What would life be like without it? You need to be ready to do what it takes.

easy steps, no stress

The RTT package has set steps which works together to bring about the most powerful and rapid healing possible in an easy to understand way.



Book your free Clarity Call now




Requently Asked Questions about RTT will help to put you at ease and help you prepare for your session.



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